
Committee Statement 

Thanks to all who supported us at the full Swindon Borough Council meeting last night.

For those who couldn't make it, the streaming of the meeting can be found here.

The speedway related discussions are at 12:45 and main petition presentation and debate from around 30:00.

Whilst there wasn't a definitive outcome for an imminent return of the Robins., the cross-party support for speedway gives some encouragement, and something for us to work on.



Committee Statement 


We are due to present our petition to Swindon Borough Council at their Full Council Meeting on Thursday 28th November at the Civic Offices in Euclid Street, Swindon. The meeting is due to start at 19:00.

It would be fantastic to demonstrate the community need for speedway to return to Swindon with plenty of Official Swindon Speedway fans , wearing team colours if possible, turning up to view the debate from the public gallery.

If you are able to attend, please represent the group in the appropriate manner. There may well be comments or statements that are contentious, disagreeable or in conflict of our cause, but we must remain dignified and professional and refrain from shouting out or heckling at all times.

The details of the meeting can be found here

And the Council's proposed petition response here

We look forward to seeing you there, as we continue to fight for the return of our sport to our town.

Swindon Needs Speedway


Committee Statement 

Today, members of our group met with Heidi Alexander and Will Stone, MP’s for Swindon North and South, along with their assistants.

A productive meeting was held. At the forefront of discussions were the ongoing situation at the Abbey Stadium and any alternative options via which third parties are looking to facilitate the return of speedway to the town of Swindon.

Both declared their desire to publicly back a return of the sport and offer support in their capacity as the serving Members of Parliament for Swindon.

We would like to publicly thank Heidi and Will for taking time out of their busy schedules to meet us today, and look forward to maintaining dialogue as agreed.



It has come to our attention that our article on the Swindon Robins official website (screen shot below) has been removed.

This decision to remove the article was taken at the direct request of Steve Parks of Swindon Motorsports Ltd.

We are disappointed that the former promotion of Swindon Speedway feels the need to dictate what articles can or cannot be placed on this website.

We have been advised that the website is under the jurisdiction of the BSPL and its use comes with the licence to operate Swindon Speedway and is currently open to use to champion the return of Swindon Speedway.

This licence is currently held by the BSPL following its decision to revoke it from Swindon Speedway 2013 Ltd.

With these latest actions, we once again would ask Swindon Motorsport Ltd to sit down with us in person and engage in open conversations. So far we have only been met with holding responses to our emails with no commitment to engage with us.

We question why Swindon Motorsport Ltd would request such actions if their focus is to return the sport of speedway to Swindon and fail to engage with a group representing the fans that they will depend upon to return if they succeed in delivering their Studley Grange project.



Committee members Andy Freeguard and Neil Ockwell took timeout to speak with Clive Hayward from torquaytalk.com to discuss our ongoing campaign. For those not in the know, Clarke Osbourne had dealings with Torquay United FC which ultimately saw the club almost go out of business and become another casualty on Clarke's long list of failed, broken promises.

Click on the link to read the full article.



The committee would like to thank each and every one of you that have taken time to sign our petition so far. Your efforts in getting the petition past 1,500 in just 7 days has been truly amazing. Thank You!

Now let's push on for the remaining 4 weeks and get those numbers right up to show Swindon Borough Council that Swindon Speedway is a priority for the community and it's leisure needs.



Read our story on the Official Swindon Speedway website!


Swindon Robins Speedway Official Website: WELCOME (swindon-speedway.com)


Many thanks to Heidi Alexander and Will Stone for agreeing to meet with us!


We may have seemed a little quiet, however we've been busy in the background!


Whilst it may appear a little quieter publicly, rest assured there is plenty ongoing in the background
We're awaiting responses to emails and follow-up from several areas
Website planning underway
Petition planning is in progress
Talks about more publicity for the group cause 


Why indeed?




